The Commission for Black Staff in Further Education was established in the UK following recommendations from the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry Report in 1999, to work in partnership with the sector to challenge racism, break down barriers for Black staff, and raise the achievement level of all who work and learn in further education. The Commission’s terms of reference were to examine: the current employment profile of Black staff in further education; factors that might dissuade Black people from entering careers in further education and those that encourage them to work in the sector; institutional factors that might undermine Black staff; institutional factors that might inhibit the progression of Black people throughout the sector; and practices in recruitment and selection. The Commission’s use of the term ‘Black’ includes members of African, African Caribbean, Asian and other visible minority ethnic communities who may face racism. By working in partnership with the sector, the Commission has developed an action agenda for change rather than simply identified problems. This report identifies priorities for action as well as the tools the sector will need to tackle them.