Manjinder Jagdev
On 28 August 2020 thousands marched through Washington DC to mark the 57th anniversary of the famous ‘I have a dream’ speech by Martin Luther King Jr. My research interests include anti-racism education, and every year I teach my PGCE mathematics students a session on the historical and cross-cultural roots of mathematics. This year, my students read papers by Smith and Lander (2012), McIntosh (1989) and Brownsword (2019) in advance of working in groups to create a lesson plan and resources with their written reflections on celebrating diversity.
The students’ lesson activities included: ‘The Game AYO’, ‘Yoruba Number System’, ‘Towers of Hanoi’, ‘Crop Circles’ and ‘Tangrams, Sudoku and Kenken’. The purpose of engaging such activities includes teaching pupils that mathematics is a universal language with contributions from all over the world, over many centuries…