The first in our series of courageous conversations about race
About this Event
This academic year, we’ll be facilitating a series of courageous conversations about race. Ahead of these events to encourage dialogue, we’ve started to collate videos & reading to prompt reflection and ask you to engage with these here.
The first session in this series is in conversation with Professor Paul Miller
Before embarking on a journey towards becoming an anti-racist institution, there is a strategy to formulate. Before a strategy can be set, an audit and overview of the present situation needs to be undertaken. And before this can happen, a courageous conversation about what we know, and what we don’t needs to happen, about the sites where institutional and structural racism dwells in schools.
Professor Paul Miller is the leading researcher and thinker in the field of anti-racism, institutional and structural inequity in our educational leadership. Prof Miller will give us an overview of the issues to look out for, and will outline how to set firm foundations for success in leading your school towards being an anti-racist institution.
The session will be followed by a panel discussion with members of The BAMEed Network and will be drawing on questions from the session participants online.