Image of people with one talking to a group


‘Habits of Highly Effective People. ‘

Saturday 2nd June 2018
The Olive Tree School, Bolton

Get your free ticket HERE

Programme: BAME Ed conference – The Habits of Highly Effective People
June 2nd 2018 

10:00 – 10:05  Welcome by headteacher, Olive Tree School 


Farhat Choudry 
10:05 – 10:30  Keynote 1 : Synergise 


Geoff Thompson MBE FRSA DL 
10:30 – 11:20 


8 workshops 

Be Proactive  Climbing roadblocks- Lessons from the NHS  Roger Kline, 

NHS England Director, Workforce Race, Equality Standard Research and Engagement 

Begin with the End in Mind  Affirmative Selection processes 


Katy Oates, Ambition School Leadership 


Put First Things First 


What’s most important?  Issy Dhan, AAHT Essa Academy 
Think Win/Win  Using sport and artistic excellence  Geoff Thompson MBE FRSA DL,  

Youth charter & CoG at UEL 

Seek First to Understand, then be Understood  From John Blanke to Windrush: Visual Approaches to Exploring Diversity in Schools  Pen Mendonca, 
Sharpen the Saw / Renewal 


Schools mental health  Pran Patel, Assistant Headteacher 
Find your Own Voice 

 and Helping Others Find Theirs 

The importance of mentorship  John Lynch & Beth Thomas-Hancock, 

BAME Education mentoring Programme 

11-25 – 11:40  The importance of BAME governance    Emma Harris, Governors for Schools 


11:40 – 12:30 


Panel  – Chaired by Penny Rabiger  ‘Best for the Job’ is the only fair way  Roger Kline, John Lynch, Bukky Yusuf,  
12:30 – 1:00  Lunch 


1:00 – 1:15  LYFTA ed    Serdar Ferit, LYFTA 
1:15 –1:40  Keynote 2 


  Dr Wanda Wyporska, The Equality Trust 
1:40 – 2:30 

8 workshops 

Be Proactive  Can we change privilege and unconscious bias?  Neil Atkin, Institute of Education 


Begin with the End in Mind  Establishing yourself  Lulu Lincoln, 


Put First Things First  Maintaining moral leadership  Kate Bowen-Viner , LKMCo 


Think Win/Win  Building what you believe in  Abdul Chohan, Director Think Simple Ltd. 


Seek First to Understand, then be Understood  Engaging cultural competency 


Patricia Stapleton, Traveller 
Sharpen the Saw / Renewal  Maintaining your wellbeing  Bukky Yusuf, Assistant Vice Principal 


 Find your Own Voice 

 and Helping Others Find Theirs 

How can we get the best for everyone  Farhat Raza, School Leadership and Equalities Unit 
2:30 – 2:55 


Keynote 3:Synergize 



Elaine White, Senior HMI  




Next stage for BAMEed & thanks 



Brochure Stands:  Governors for Schools 







This is another FREE event, organised by @AllanaG13 @ASTsupportAAli @Abdulchohan & @Penny_Ten founders of @BAMEedNetwork , and is kindly sponsored by Leeds Beckett University.