Welcome to the BAMEed Network

Help us work towards an education sector that is reflective of society.


Explore our regional and special interest networks enacting local change and  providing connection opportunities.


Learn from our extensive resources database supporting you to begin and continue your anti-racist journey.


Use our database of profiles to find speakers for your next event. Submit your profile to be featured.


Access pro-bono coaching support your teaching practice and career progression. Consider donating.

Racism in Society

Together with a range of partners, we have gathered a set of resources to support schools to address racism in the classroom and begin their anti-racist journeys.

We are a grassroots charity aimed at ensuring our diverse communities are represented as a substantive part of the education workforce for teachers and leaders in education. We seek to address the inequities in the recruitment of Black, Asian and minority ethnic colleagues into the teaching profession and the lack of support to ensure progress in those careers.

We connect with other education organisations and individuals through events, regional networks across the UK, signposting and coaching support. Join us on this journey to drive change in education.